Site Survey: 3 styles of research for your company

site survey

Having a good internet connection is a priority not only for homes but also for businesses. After all, it is in the digital world that major decisions are made, transactions take place and the world turns. Being digitally connected means good business, satisfied customers and countless growth opportunities for your company.  In our blog, we’ve already talked about what a site survey is and its importance. But there is a specific point in this Wi-Fi “field research” that should be explored in more depth so that you can better understand this need.

We’re talking here about the searches that can permeate the site survey on your commercial space’s wireless network. Whether in hotels, condominiums, co-workings or other corporate spaces, it is very important that the internet is well connected in all environments. After all, understanding and applying the site survey not only strengthens your network infrastructure, but also increases user satisfaction and boosts your company’s growth potential.

No need to leave users searching for the best place with a signal, right? So let’s delve a little deeper into this important universe.

Site Survey: a brief reminder

As we’ve explained before here on the Tracenet blog, a site survey is a survey of Wi-Fi networks that is used to analyze whether there is good network coverage, the quality of the connection and, above all, whether there is a need to make changes, either in the location where the access points are installed or by improving the equipment used.

In other words, the coverage study involves mapping and evaluating the entire length of the Wi-Fi network, the performance study focuses on the quality of the connection (speed, stability) and, finally, the capacity study assesses whether the existing connection is prepared to support the demands of corporate environments.

Explaining predictive, passive and active research

The Site Survey is a complex methodology used to improve users’ experience of WI-FI networks. This can be done in a variety of ways and at various times, all you have to do is feel the need to provide a stable, quality connection with a good range. Let’s take a look at the advantages of each of these approaches:

Predictive site surveys

This is a survey carried out in order to predict what will be needed to provide a good wireless connection. In other words, it represents a proactive approach to preparing the network infrastructure. To do this, advanced modeling software and algorithms are used to anticipate the behavior of the Wi-Fi signal in the studied environment, taking into account possible physical obstacles, interference and other variables that impact signal propagation.

From this, a predictive coverage map is created, making it possible to strategically plan the location of access points, minimize shadow areas and ensure efficient coverage. As such, this is a recommended technique for strategically planning the installation of access points and other network equipment, which saves time and establishes solid connectivity for your company.

However, it is important to note that predictive research is subject to limitations, as it does not take into account some elements that may arise after installation, such as changes in the arrangement of furniture, the addition of new devices and external interference that may influence the effectiveness of the network over time.  In this case, it is recommended to consider passive and/or active research.

Passive Site Survey

While predictive research monitors the environment before the Wi-Fi network is installed, passive research is carried out in real time. In other words, it’s a technique that studies the existing connection without interfering with its natural flow. During this process, data is collected that can analyze weaknesses and strengths, understanding the current scenario in relation to the coverage and quality of the connection established. 

This makes it possible to understand in practice what the user experience is like and to offer efficient solutions for improvement, such as the removal of interference, places to reinforce the connection, among others. Passive survey is particularly effective for environments looking to minimize disturbances during data collection, providing accurate information on the quality of the connection and areas for possible improvement.

It’s worth noting that while passive research provides valuable insights, it may not fully capture fluctuations in network performance during peaks in usage or significant changes in the environment. To address these situations, active research plays a very important role, as it allows direct testing and real-time adjustments to be made to continuously optimize connectivity.

Active Site Survey

As previously mentioned, active research is used in cases where changes need to be made immediately.  For this reason, this technique carries out tests and adjustments in real time to guarantee a continuous experience for users. This is possible because, unlike the predictive and passive methodologies, active research generates simulated traffic, imitating the real conditions of network use. In other words, with this method, network integrity is maintained, which is essential in commercial environments where operations cannot be interrupted at any time.

Finally, this approach provides an immediate view of network performance, identifying bottlenecks, latencies and immediate problems. By carrying out tests in real time, active research enables instant adjustments, ensuring that the network adapts effectively to changes in demand. However, it is important to balance the use of active search, as the constant generation of traffic for testing can impact the actual performance of the network during normal operations.

Active survey, when strategically integrated with predictive and passive approaches, offers a holistic view of connectivity, enabling proactive and reactive adjustments to maintain an efficient Wi-Fi network in dynamic corporate environments.


It’s clear, then, that the site survey is important for your company at different times. From the pre-installation of the network to monitoring and future maintenance, relying on these approaches can be an extra step towards providing users with an incredible and memorable experience. Especially in places that depend on customer service, avoiding receiving negative complaints or having your operation hampered by slow internet is one of the main advantages of investing in a Site Survey.